
Friday, May 20, 2011

Reading 7: questions to debate (group K1)

In groups, make up 3 questions based on the 7th reading, to debate in class. Post them all here!


  1. These are Leydi's, Carolina's, Angel's and I's questions:
    1- How can the use of ICTs help students to improve class conversations?
    2- How can ICT's help students achieve their professional goals?
    3- How would you increase the use of ICT's if you were teaching in a public school, taking into account that most of these schools do not have enough computers or do not have an accurate technical support? Would you quit the use of ICT's?

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  3. How can we as a teacher incorporate ICT into a learning environment?

    What's the key to integrating ICT into language learning?

    Why are training courses important?

    Magda, Jessica Erika

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  5. 1. Do you think technology will have any major impact on the order in which a language is learned here in Colombia?

    2. According to Benson´s political interpretation of the learning environment what is the reality of this aspect in our country?

    3. Would a child receive the same education at home using ICTs as students at school, taking into account that children need interaction because this is an attribute of the human being? Can "massive" education at school affect learning or can this factor be abolished when learning at home using ICTs?

    Maria Juliana Salazar
    Laura Sanabria
    Viviana Rueda

  6. 1. How could you provide an example which demonstrate "Interdependence Meaning" into the classroom setting?

    2. How to encourage learners to assume more responsibility using ICT on language teaching?

    3. How can different working modes encourage students to become autonomous learners?

    Adriana Sarmiento
    Jessika Lopez
    Johan Ruiz

  7. Felix M Buitrago E
    1-Do you think that in our country it is possible to use ICT to motivate students from public schools?

    2-What kind of activities have you applied in your classroom (using ICT) which have been really appealing for students?

    3-Do you think that in our country there has been an improvement in education since the arrival of new technologies like internet?

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  9. 1. Do you think it's easier for students to learn with ICT than with old teaching methods? Why?

    2. Can students learn a second language only by using ICTS? Or is it necessary to have a tutor?

    3.How can ICT's help students to improve their autonomous learning?

    4. "The use of ICT in the language-learning process might have an impact well beyond the language classrrom since students might develop linguistic and sociocultural skills". Do you agree with this quote? Why or Why not?

    Magda Aguilera, Erika Enciso and Yessica Rueda.


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