
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Final Questions Reading 2

We've now successfully acomplished our first discussion, and well done to all of those who participated actively in the session!!!  Here are then the last questions to analyse. Please answer them and bring them next Friday (written to hand in). Remember you can work in pairs or groups of 3 maximum. Also, bear in mind that your comments on the blog will only be evaluated if they are posted BEFORE the discussion session in class. 
Well, and here are the questions:

1. Which is the real level of commitment and participation of the private sector in this plan? Which is its contribution in the logistics, infrastructure and costs?
2. It is claimed that the politics for planning and development do not agree with the evolution of the markets. What do you think?
3. There is poor participation from the Estate in the profits given by the telecommunication services. Do you agree with that? 

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Reading No. 2: Plan Nacional de Tecnologías de la Information y las Comunicaciones. (2008). Ministerio de Comunicaciones. República de Colombia.

ICT's Course students: Write your personal critical reflection on the reading, by posting a comment below with your name, of about 4 to 10 lines. You are all expected to participate here, before carrying out a discussion session in class. Remember your participation, both online and in class, will be always evaluated.
Deadline: Group J1: 29 March 
              Group K1: 30 March

English Grammar