
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Reading 3

Based on the reading, write a comment answering the following questions:

1. Considering Warschauer's opinion on how teachers can and should do with educational technology, share with your class one particular experience you have had, where there had have an amazing proof that your teacher (or even you, if that's the case) could achieve a great level of learning from the students, by using a simple technological resource. Describe it in detail (argument how it was used and how well it worked).

2. How do you percieve the influence that the use of email, chatrooms, emoticons and other similar electronic communication have had on the language? Do you think it has evolved in a positive way or, on the contrary, it has been deteriorated? How do you think it will be in some 15 years from now? Explain and argument.

No comments posted after the session (Friday 8th, classtime) will be checked. 


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  2. 1- I have not seen too many cases of teachers using technological items during their lessons, however if I have to mention one, I would have to say I really liked something a teacher did when having a very big group and an even bigger room at a public school named Politécnico in Bucaramanga. She used a microphone to make sure every student in the classroom could hear her. Students seemed to be very responsive to the strategy and did not chat with their classmates because the teacher's voice was always present. Besides, she accompanied the microphone with constant monitoring of the student's work walking around the classroom constantly.

    2- The use of techonolical tools is a double edge sword when talking about language. I think it has made it possible for you to communicate fast and easy. However, it seems that the longer we use those tools the worse the language gets. For example, you can now see haw words have become only letters or pictures. I also think it makes communication very impersonal and human relations seem to be getting less important.

  3. Ángel Mogollón:
    1. In my case there have been some examples of this. One of them includes my phonetics professors at UIS. In most of the cases, they just had a tape recorder and copies and they did such a good job with that. We learned how to distinguish specific funtions of the English tones,etc. Another example, I think all of us have gone through it, refers to my math classes. I remember that I learned how to add and substract just by using an abacus (Is there anything simpler than that?).I even used some LP discs with songs by those squirrels that helped me to memorize the multiplication tables.
    2. I think people should learn different kinds of writing and it includes chat language. I've taught classes in which students have learned how to use some chat abbreviations and they simply love it. However, I told them that this usage is limited to specific contexts (Informal chats)and they understood this. We should not see these new sorts of writing as something that can deteriorate our language, but as something that can make it richer if we learn how to use them. I guess we should help our students to realize that they can say many things with different "codes", but we should also teach them when and how to utilize them.

  4. 1. I remenber a teacher who was in charge of the conversational course. At the begining i thought it would be just debates and dicussions but to my surprise he used different resourses such movies, songs, articles... etc. that woke up our interest to talk. it was great coz it really pushed us to talk.

    2. I think emails, emoticons and chatroom have created its own code of communication which is creative and fast. You can expres your emotions or long ideas by some capital letter such ASAP or by a simple emotico :). However it can turn cold our conversation, probably we could lose our skill to comunicate affectively to others.It can also becomes us lazy to talk in real comunication or we could turn expressionless.

    Viviana Rueda

  5. 1. I asked my students to suggest one activity for English class. They immediately suggested listening to some English Web Sites in order to improve their listening skill. As they wanted to practice using computers, I got interested in looking for listening exercises on Web. During the class, they practiced their listening but they also could put into practice writing and speaking as well. They read and listened to the article and shared their opinions with their classmates. However, my students did not visit that web page any more. They did it well just at the moment they are asked to do so. They prefered to visit other pages such as Facebook to find out news about their friends.

    2. It seems that the written language has been changed a lot. In the use of chatrooms and emoticons, teenagers are using less time in thinking on the language form. They usually use contractions or a lot of abbreviations in order to communicate with their friends and some parents cannot even know what their children refer to on their writings. In this sense, I consider language has been deteriorated on the way teenagers do not want to read and do not want to write it on papers appropiately.

  6. 1-Last year, I found really interesting a Bon Jovi´s song called “It’s my life”. With this song I created different lessons for pre-teenagers. The most important thing that I appreciated was that the song caught the attention and motivation in my students. We worked four Saturdays. The first Saturday I brought my laptop and the USB with the song. I played and they listened twice. Then students worked on unfamiliar words. The second and third Saturday we focused on sentences that were in future and we socialized about our life. The last Saturday we watched the video and played a role called “Charlie´s life”. During all Saturdays students gained useful vocabulary and ways to talk about themselves and it was in a different way.
    2- I think that there is a lack of interest in young people, to be specific in high school students, because they do not bother in the form they write, and this kind of electronic communication makes their life easier. Apart from that in some schools they do not have a specific subject that teaches spelling, language, vocabulary, etc.---Laura Sanabria

  7. 1.Well, Im not pretty sure if this is a good example but I remember my Spanish class. Our teacher asked to write the novel "María" by Jorge Isaac. For teenagers it was so boring but the teacher found the way to make it interesting by the design of a newspapper, with all its sections based on different aspects of the novel like characters, places, events etc. They had to be very modern in the newspaper with original pictures and of course a very curious name. So,we learned how to design a newspaper and we could enjoy the novel.

    2.)What I think is that this kind of new forms (chat, mails, emoticons) in 15 years from now, are going to be useful for young people because this population is in permanent contact with internet and computers. So, they are going to be even part of their lifestyle. But it seems to me that old people is going to have problems with them due to they are not familiar with this forms becasue they had other education, where language rules had to be respected and followed. For this people, it is difficult to understand perhaps that language changes constantly.
    Juliana Salazar.

  8. 1.At high school I remember a teacher that designed a plan based on English Literature, we were assigned a book to read in groups of three, the idea was to draw cartoons to project them with an overhead projector and present to the class the characteristics of the book and what was it about. The activity was highly successful because that was a new technological source which we found interesting and I can say that I remember a lot the thematic about the book I read and also some of the books presented by my partners.

    2. Email, chat rooms, emoticons and all those electronic communication even have been important to facilitate contact with other people in other countries and have made a relevant deeply blot to make English students or ordinary people (with no contact with the language) closer to English language giving them more options to learn in some way or another it is significant to highlight that these electronic communication also might be deteriorating the language and allowing the learners use grammar and even syntax mistakes that might cause difficulties on their accurate learning process and internalization of structures and rules.
    Carolina Ríos

  9. Francy Johanna Vargas Lozada
    In my case, i just remember some cases at University.For example, the conversational course was one in particular in which I can improve my speaking skills in a different way but how ? The professor used many innovative and unusual resources at the university level such as movies,strange web sites that let students participate in an active way because we did not feel obbly to speak and we shared our thoughts with the whole class.

  10. 1. At high school, my teacher used mostly realia for project works. In one occassion in particular, he explained how to make a cake with real ingredients. The explanation was quite easy to follow, and it was pretty interesting to see it done. In the end, all the class was really encouraged to try and explained a recipe on our own.

    2. Acording to Warschauer, this kind of electronic communication does not affect communication depending on the purpose learners use it for. I personally consider that it makes learners a bit lazier to mind their spelling when they are writing.So this can be consider a negative aspect of it. On the other hand, I think that it makes people communicate faster and be more creative and more creative as the ways in many of us do so advances.

    Johan Ruiz

  11. francy Johanna Vargas Lozada
    Another case was the phonetics subject where students had the opportunity to use the headphones in the English Lab.It helped me to listen my partners and professor pronounciation and I tried to improve myself in this aspect.

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  13. 1. When some of my friends were in the fourth semester of this program, their professor of English used Skype to evaluate some oral performance. The only fact of having to face your professor through a mean that not only has the possibility of failing, but also represent a possible situation in real life, had my friends make a big effort at the time of presenting this speaking activity. Later on I noticed that their speaking ability had improved a lot and that made me think that it was because of the great effort they had to make. I think the results are not given directly by the use of technology, but indirectly by the fear of its failing.

    2. I personally believe that using the electronic means has transported the orality of the language to its written form, and has created a mixture in which both of them are completely valid. This may lead to consequences such as the use of abbreviations and emoticons in formal texts, when Ss, for example, are not aware of the formality that writing implies. It can become a problem when Ss do not know when to use each of the possibilities.

  14. I remember one special class when I was at High School. My English teacher taught us a lot of vocabulary to describe places by showing us some slides using a videobeam. She used the pictures of some places, all of them had different characteristics, and she provided the decriptions of them on the slides . After showing those examples, she showed the corresponding pictures for the vocabulary used in the descriptions. I considered this as a very successful lesson because the techological source was very simple but very well used since after that short presentation, almost all the group was able to describe places appropiately and we really learnt the vocabulary in that two hour session. I never forgot what I learnt in that class.

    I consider this tendency has deteriorated the langugae in some way because, the language has been dramatically transformed in order to shorten it when using those techonological sources. The problem on this, is that people use this abreviated way of writing and speaking in other contexts where it is not appropiated (academic environments, for example) and the new generations are learning this "new language" considering it is correct. I think this phenomena is going to continue growing so, in 15 years, we will have a variation of the original language. I believe we should create a set of regulations for the use of the language even in technological environments.

    María Angélica Arenas

  15. 1. I have not received too many classes using technology. However, I had the opportunity to teach a grammatical English class using a laptop. I consider it really useful when you are looking for interesting activities. As the girl hated all about English grammar, with the activities we found in the internet make the class successful. An interesting activity we did was about mix conditionals. At first, we have to make up an ugly teacher who looks like a man, then we had to answer twenty questions about conditionals, and we had to choose one of the four options. In the activity we received a part of the sentence and we had to complete it. In addition, if we had doubts about the exercises, we had three options which helped us to answer them. The first one was to eliminate two possible answers out of four. The second one, the answer was given by Einstein, and the third one was the option to change the question. In this activity we had fun and it was more effective than when we sat down to study the rules and practice on the board.

  16. 1. I have had many valubale experiences regarding to this fact. I can remember when I was at high school that I had to take special courses. Those courses were based on technical areas since the focus of the school, where I got my high school degree, was generating technicians for the community. The special areas were motors, electricity, electronics, computers, industrial design and technical drawing. I specially remember the industrial design area since it involved the use of technology for specific purposes. I remember that my classmates and I had to use a burr to create a burin. I call back we did a great job. It was hard at the beginning because the machine, that we had to use, wasn't easy to control since it requerid a lot of precition. We were succesful because of the teacher's guidance and the effort we intested. For me, this memory is a wonderful technological experience.

    2. Using instant messaging, emoticons and emails has changed the language in a certain way. The language has become a farter mean to communicate any idea which implies that it needs to be shorter to be effective. So, the language has evolved into shorter signs that have the same meanings of the complete words, phrases or even sentences. From my point of view, this change hasn't been negative seems it is the result of the adaptability of the language which occurs all the time. Consequently, it is easy to imagine the language in 15 years since it will be the product of the needs future generations. These generations will be more effective and faster and will need shorter effective ways to communicate the ideas. I can conclude that the language won't be deteriorated but it will be transformed as any other human creation.

  17. 1. In my case there were not too many technological resourses that is why I cannot say too much about it. But I remember that at school our English teacher won some computers for the institution and she used them to teach us English with some easy exercises and games which made us get involved in the subject and we wanted to learn more because normally the classes were boring and we always did the same but when we used the computers we learned more. That is the reason why I consider that technologies could help to improve teaching because children are more involved when teachers use them.
    2. When talking about the influence that all those electronic communication tools have had on people and especially on teenagers I consider that they are using them in the wrong way. It must be a way to help them improve their languages while interacting or communicating with others. Unfortunately, the language has been deteriorated because they do not write the words correctly, they make spelling mistakes and some of them are not aware of that. So, for me it is important that teachers be careful when using that methods to teach if they want the students to learn.

  18. 1). Once when I was in 10th grade, my English teacher brought a tape recorder and she made us to listen to a song titled “ skater boy” it was the first time that I felt interest about English since it was the first time we did something different in an English class. In first place we listened to the song and them we had to complete some missing parts of it. After that, the teacher explained us what it was about, and then she informed us that next class we will have to get in groups and sing the song in front of the class. It was the part that I didn’t like.

    2) I believe that emoticons are the worst thing about chatting. I hate to use them, and I prefer people do not use it while they are talking with me. When people use these things I feel lost. Many of the times I do not know what they are writing especially when people use them in the whole sentence. I think emoticons and abbreviations can be used, but I do not agree with people who use them all the time, even when they are writing formal texts or letters. I think they are only good for chats rooms.

  19. 1. I am not sure if it could be a good example of an educational techinology but it was really greatful for me and for my students too. Some months ago I planned a small project with my little students . It was about farm animals and we carry out into two sections. First of all I presented the animals with some digital flashcards and they had audio, so It was supposed that they guess about the sound. They were really excited about it. Then, I show them the video and we worked on a handout related to it . In the last part of the class we went to the lab and I gave them a link in which they could playsome games related to our topic. In the next section , I brought a tape recorder and I played a song about animals but this time students have to imítate with all his body each of the animals. Students really like this class and enjoy it.
    2. Well ,in my way of thinking all that kind of electronic communciation have had a big influence in the writing language. Nowadays people do not take care of the puntuation, spelling and do not take into account that the abreviation are not permitted in formal writting. Students just write a message to a profesor as he/she was a friend of them using all that kind of emoticons .
    adriana becerra

  20. well, I remember that when I was in English two we had to write some letters and send them to our classmates via E-mail for peer correction. It was a very useful exercise because we had the opportunity to correct our classmate’s mistakes and learn from them. At the end of the course we all have had improved our writing skills! thanks to this technological tool.

    Well, I personally think that the use of the written language through these devices have in some way deteriorated the language as nobody really bothers to write a word correctly, in most of the cases you don’t even write the entire word or pay attention to punctuation or grammar.

  21. I have hot had a single professor who have used technology in an amazing way, obviously technology on its own its surprising for the first time you get in touch with it but as far as the classes have been concerned, the ones in which technology was used though more dinamic, they were not something outstanding to talk about.
    The most representing class in technology was my english class in tenth and eleventh grade in whic i had to go every week for two hours to wor on a computer for myself, on an english platform which was evaluating me while i was advancing in the lessons. but the professor did not do anything but answering question and giving instructions every now and them.

    2. The language has been suffering a tranformation to benefit speed in communication, i can say that tha way people communicate nowadays looks for transmiting the message as fast as possible, to make communication mor agile; i think it may not affect the language academical structure because it just occurs in informal speech, and as far as it remains in that dimension it won't represent a problem for the language itself but it certainly facilitates informal written communication and oral as well.

  22. 2. I think it is positive.
    It is normal that language is changing when the time goes by. Human beings are always looking for commodity. That is way many difficult sounds have changed or have disappeared. For that reason, it is normal that we found those changes informally. Moreover, as the language is productive, we are going to find more words every day. However, I do not think that formal language changed complete and be replaced by emoticons. I believe that there will be some patters that preserve when written or reading something formal.
    Taking into account informal language, I think that at least the written form is going to be changed by symbols and abbreviations. The inconvenient part will be for adults, it is going to be so difficult to understand what young people are writing.

    As I mentioned in the previous class, I have had some experiences using a computer and some exercises in English on the internet. Of course they have being appealing for students due to the fact the activities have being games or timing activities what incredibly for me make them feel interested. They are a prove that using ICTs, we as teachers can help students to achieve maybe not an immediate good level of learning because it is difficult the constant access to them, but they have take advantage of the exercise and learnt something for an specific purpose as an exam or quiz.

    2. They have had a tremendous impact on the language. For example in English, students only want to use “cuz, gotta, wanna…” instead of using the complete words even in writing. They feel the long words are useless because English wants to save us time and effort.
    In fifteen years as it has been happening since long time ago, the language will continue debasing, because people is using the literacy for immediacy communications in all those fields they are not allow like formal speech or writing.

  24. 1. I am not sure if it could be a good example of an educational techinology but it was really greatful for me and for my students too. Some months ago I planned a small project with my little students . It was about farm animals and we carry out into two sections. First of all I presented the animals with some digital flashcards and they had audio, so It was supposed that they guess about the sound. They were really excited about it. Then, I show them the video and we worked on a handout related to it . In the last part of the class we went to the lab and I gave them a link in which they could playsome games related to our topic. In the next section , I brought a tape recorder and I played a song about animals but this time students have to imítate with all his body each of the animals. Students really like this class and enjoy it.
    2. Well ,from my point of view that kind of electronic communciation have had a big influence in the writing language. Nowadays people do not take care of the puntuation, spelling and do not take into account that the abreviation are not permitted in formal writting. Students just write a message to a profesor as he/she was a friend of them using all that kind of emoticons .

  25. 1. I remember an English class I took where students improved their pronunciation thanks to the use of a technological devise. The teacher has always used recorders to practice and foster listening activities but he also encouraged students to record themselves in order to self-monitor their pronunciation. I consider that using this activity the teacher used technology not only to present content but also to involve students in producing content rather than just passively receiving it.
    2. I think that 15 years from now, the way people communicate would not change that much. Of course it will be changes but not that significant. Language has always evolved and we could not stop it. The use of those electronic communications is just part of the changes of this technological era; therefore, people should learn how to use it and get to use it too. I think people should learn different kinds of writing and it includes chat language.

  26. Jhon Ediosn Forero

    1. I rememeber one specific experience in which my English teachers at high school did not have high-quality resorces to teach their subject, but they could make the most of the oldest and lowest technoloical resources that my school had. For example, there used to be a very old tape recorder which was difficult to make it work. However, our teachers always fixed it up to use it during their classes.
    thanks to that old tape recorder we could develope our listening skills and also the english teachers had the opportunity to prepare motivating classes since they used to work with music,so it was something on which we loved to work.

    2. I think that one of the most resourceful ways to acquire vocabulary and to develope writting skills is the use of english chats rooms. people who chat aften to english native speakers and people who speak english can acquire lots of interesting words and expressions which emerge every day in the english language.Also, people will easily recognize and understand native speaker' way of writing which is very different from that used by non-native speakers.
    on the other hand, I think that in 15 years internet and video teleconferences will be two of the most significan tools to teach English. people will have the opportunity to learn English and work in lessons from their comfort of home by having online english tutorials.

  27. By Erika Enciso
    1. I remember that in my school it was really difficult to have technological resources because there were many students and also because there was no technical support in the school, thus most of the computers didn´t work, and our experience in using technological features were very vage.
    2. in my opinion, chat rooms are the most useful way to commmunicate to someone in real context which helps us to acquire current vocabulary and real-life expressions so we can talk more spontaneous and natural to a native english speaker. I think that in 15 years technology will be definitely more sofisticated and accesible to everybody which will generate more cultural connections world wide.

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English Grammar