
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Reading 5: Exploring the EFL Curriculum through the Use of a Virtual Platform

Here is the link for the 5th reading (Exploring the EFL Curriculum through the Use of a Virtual Platform (by Clavijo, A. Hine, N. and Quintero, L.M -2009). Read the text from the following link:

Group K1: Work in groups and answer the following questions about this reading (on a piece of paper to hand in on Wed. May 4th):

1. What were the main objectives of the project?
2. Where did it take place?
3. Who were the participants?
4. How long did it take?
5. What was the teachers' role in the project?
6. How many phases did this project have and what did each one consist of, in general terms?
7. Apart from encouraging language learning, this project also allowed students to develop other skills and have lots of cultural exchanges. Provide 6 examples of them.
8. Mention 3 of the most relevant achievements students got and 3 achievements the leaders of this project got after having carried out this project

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Reading 4: Twenty Ideas for Using Mobile Phones in the Language Classroom

In order to carry out the next session about our 4th reading, here are some pre-reading questions I'd like you to reflect on (you don't have to post any comments here):

1. Do all/most of your students have a mobile phone?
2. Do they use it in your class?
3. What is your attitude towards students using phones in class?
4. As a student at university, do you use your phones in class? What for?
5. Have you ever asked your students to use phones in any of your class activities?
6. What kind of things could you do to help your class with simple phones?
7. What kind of things could you do to help your class with modern phones?

Note: J1 group: I sent the instructions for the Friday activity to your mails!
         K1 group: No class on Wednesday. Please read your mail as well!
         Friday class at Centic, 3rd floor, room 8

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Reading 3

Based on the reading, write a comment answering the following questions:

1. Considering Warschauer's opinion on how teachers can and should do with educational technology, share with your class one particular experience you have had, where there had have an amazing proof that your teacher (or even you, if that's the case) could achieve a great level of learning from the students, by using a simple technological resource. Describe it in detail (argument how it was used and how well it worked).

2. How do you percieve the influence that the use of email, chatrooms, emoticons and other similar electronic communication have had on the language? Do you think it has evolved in a positive way or, on the contrary, it has been deteriorated? How do you think it will be in some 15 years from now? Explain and argument.

No comments posted after the session (Friday 8th, classtime) will be checked. 

English Grammar