Reading No. 2: Plan Nacional de Tecnologías de la Information y las Comunicaciones. (2008). Ministerio de Comunicaciones. República de Colombia.
ICT's Course students: Write your personal critical reflection on the reading, by posting a comment below with your name, of about 4 to 10 lines. You are all expected to participate here, before carrying out a discussion session in class. Remember your participation, both online and in class, will be always evaluated.
Deadline: Group J1: 29 March
Group K1: 30 March
Read the article "Plan Nacional de Tecnologías de la Information y las Comunicaciones". (2008). Ministerio de Comunicaciones. República de Colombia, at:
Deadline: Group J1: 29 March
Group K1: 30 March
Welcome to our first discussion!! You can start writing your comments now!!
ReplyDeleteHello, My name is Miguelangel. here is what I want to say about the doc. called Colombia plan TIC. It has been the most important idea the Goverment have ever had in the history of Colombia. This new system will have such as great impact in the development and improvement of our country in order to be up-to-date with the rest of the world talking about technology and education which are nowadays the topics on the spotlight.
ReplyDeleteThis new plan of the Goverment will raise new opportunities for all the people in this country in order to go beyond our dreams and have a good way of life thanks to this new plan for developing the technology of information and communication. As well as the article says: this plan is made because of us and for ourselves.
In my opinion the ideas and plans showed in this article are very useful and can help tremendously our country if they are well carried out by the rural governments taking into account constant training, infrastructure, maintenance and honest use of the economic resources, because the adequate use of ICT´S simplify the citizens ´lives producing more effective process. I think the challenge of implementing ICT´S in the national territory is huge but we have good bases and intentions.
ReplyDeleteJuliana Salazar.
By Erika Enciso
ReplyDeleteBy reading this document, TIC Colombia plan, it can be deduced that Colombian government has clearly expressed the significance of the correct use of technological resources to achieve the productive development and economical and social progress. Even though this plan is expected to be functional until 2019, in my opinion, nowadays there are no facts that prove Colombian government intention to achieve this plan. According to this document, the principal topic of this TIC plan is to develop educational competences, but it is in this aspect where we can see that this “plan” has not had any progress- public schools do not count with technological resources. Thus, a question come to my mind: when is this TIC plan going to start? It is assumed that Colombia will be in the first three countries with the best technological management at 2.019, but in my opinion, we are not taking this technological road, no yet.
The National Plan ICT is one of the best initiatives proposed by our government. Its realisation will provide a social integration between different social classes, bringing benefits, especially socially and economically in order to have a development country. Also it will change the way of teaching and how people could learn by giving them a new way of gaining knowledge without limitation.That is why it is necessary that the Government give a widespread support for it.
ReplyDeleteAfter reading the article, this question came into my mind: How are ICT's going to reduce poverty if this is one of the biggest difficulties for them to be successfully implemented? Before starting to dream about the benefits that ICT's might bring to education, it is important to analyze the reality of the public education in our country; it is clear that it needs a lot of investment especially in technology, but the question is if our government has the resources and the appropiate policies to do it in a sustainable way. The reality shows that this process has been very slow.
ReplyDeleteMa. Angélica Arenas
It is an undeniable truth that every country in the world needs technology to be competitive and efficient in their ways of production. Nowadays, Colombia is one of those countries. It has established, step by step, technological advances that have made of it a competitive country in South America. However, the race is long as the implementation of new technologies is a daily process. The government has proposed “plan TIC”. The main intention of this plan is connecting and informing all Colombians to make them competitive, efficient and productive. This goal must be accomplished in 2019. In my opinion this is a plan difficult to believe since new technology is not the priority of this country. If we really want to implant massive technologies we should solve other problems that compromise the life of many Colombians such as violent displacement and poor nourishment.
ReplyDeleteIt was quite interesting to see how much importance is actually given to ICTs in Colombia. I think this matter is very important not only for education, but also for the development of any country.It was mentioned along the article the need to include everyone on this project, which I believe is crucial is this plan is intended to succeed. It also takes into account the population who lives in the countryside, which supports the idea of inclusion for everyone, something which I must say I liked a lot. This plan is supposed to be accomplished by 2019, which I believe is quite hard considering how behind we are on this matter in comparison with other countries. However it is important to continue supporting this iniciatives and hopefully some day they will actually come true.
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ReplyDeleteIn spite of the Colombian current internal armed conflict and economic struggle there is a growing interest about the developing of Colombian technology in different fields.
ReplyDeleteNowadays, Colombia is a country which seeks for advaced Tenologycal resourses thanks to the globalization and the eagerness to become a developed country. This will definitely help our country to be more competitive in different filds such as education, health and some others.
the new technological system which is pretended to be implemented in our country will absolutely help in the development and improvent of the colombian old systems.
By John Edison Forero
In my opinion the ICT Plan is a project who aims a lot. On the one hand, Colombia is not prepared economically to provide such as amount of technology owing to the fact that Education is not the focus of the Governmental policies; Colombia has other issues (such as violence and poverty) that have to be resolved first. Besides, the budget used to carry out the projects proposed by the Plan seem to be reduced to the minimum since the public school’s computers provided by the Government are no the last technological ones. On the other hand, it is not worth to have big amounts of technology at schools if the community does not know how to use them and implement them in their fields. Although the uses of ICT are of great help in the development of the country, these benefits can only work as long as the society integrates them into their daily life. However, this is not what is happening in the Colombian situation.
ReplyDeleteI think this proposal, far from been just good, is almost perfect; it takes into consideration a lot of different areas at the time of planning outcomes such as education, health and justice. Based only in the educational part, I can say that the intentions of the PNTIC are really well structured and they will benefit education in a great proportion; however, and bringing some ideas from the BID reading, a project like this needs a lot of commitment, keeping data up-to-date and keeping society informed and interested in the TIC’s initiative, which is somehow difficult talking about a country like Colombia.
ReplyDeleteAfter reading the document, and making a comparison between what is in the paper and what is happening in the classrooms, it is noticeable a mismatch regarding the goals of the ministry of education and the carrying out of the project; the plan in the document was to expand the use of TICs by 2010 to 100% of the schools, nevertheless, this is not the reality that some schools are facing, the use of technology (specifically computers) is limited to certain subjects and also some teachers are not willing to implement these tools to improve their students’ learning. In my personal opinion, the government seems to be only creating projects but not monitoring them to achieve the proposed goals.
ReplyDeleteThe use of technology is important in our lives because it is the only thing that can guarantee the improvement of our economics and social development. It has changed many aspects of our lives in terms of education, communication, trading and marketing. For example, students can find an unlimited amount of resources to do their projects. Government recognizes all benefits that technology brings to the industrial and human development. For this reason, it has created a National Plan which underlines the importance of ICT’s inclusion to keep up-to-date in the globalization process. They have drawn up clear aims to make internet connectivity easier to all Colombian people. One of these aims can be seen in public schools which have been provided with computers in order to decrease the amount of students who had not been in contact with technology
ReplyDeleteI think this project is basically well designed; However, it is far from fitting in a context like the Colombian context. According to what it is said in the document, the project aims to trigger the development of our country based on tecnological advances, but the government points out that in order to accomplish this goal it is necessary for every Colombian citizen to be able to control all the techonological resources involved in this process; something which is almost impossible in a country where there is still an enormous technological breech. Besides, Our country doesn't count with the economical resources to support a project of this magnitude. In conclusion, I think this is an ideal project but quite not a realistic one.
ReplyDeleteMY NAME IS JENNIFER GAMERO: ITC are an ultimate wordly tool which has been increasing their importance and protagonism in fields like competitivenes, social behavior and life quality improvement among others. Colombian government expects this new resource to be succesfully used by Colombian people in 2019 and several areas like education, economy among others would be beneficiated.
ReplyDeleteFor all this ICT turns out to be a very helpful way to help aour contry to reach a greater development.
The ICT'S is a kind of Technology revolution which have had a big impact not only in Colombia but also in other countries where globalization process is taking part.
ReplyDeleteThe changes included the interaction between people,the social behavior,reduction of the povertyand the increase competitiveness.
It is though by the colombia Goverment that in 2019,colombian people will have an efficient use of the ICT's.Nowadays, many programs have being implemented in education,health,justice and others.
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ReplyDeleteThere is no doubt this project is being created with some good intentions such as reducing Colombian poverty, increasing competitiveness and achieving the so desired sustainable development that take us to become a knowledgeable society. But to reach all those goals, as the ICT’s Ministry research from December 2010 points out that only 2 from 10 Colombians use internet and six from 10 people have Personal Computer at home because 61% think PCs are expensive or they do not have money to buy one what is the main problem. Then, first of all, it is necessary to guarantee Colombians the access to every single technological source the that allows them the active participation in ICT’s taking into account reasonable prices according to Colombian social status what is a difficult task but not impossible. Also it is vital to design strategies to get better rates in those indicators like GCI/TI, Índice e-readiness and IOD where Colombia has lost positions because for example the second one that measure the capacity to use new technologies can be a barrier to access the Technological World.
ReplyDeleteI think that ICT plan is huge Project in which the country will find social inclusion and competitiveness in the Latin-American area. This project has a well developed planning but for a country like Colombia sometimes seems hard to accomplish by 2019. This is because all the implementations, that government has applied to do it, have not been enough to accomplish them. Taking into account this, how the government will achieve those objectives by 2019? Since “el plan” has been developing, there has not been success in comparison with other countries in the region. In other hand, I used to think that this ICT plan only applies for the educational area but it is very ambitious because not only education is in it, other important areas too. Finally, I hope that this project will be accomplished at the end. If this happens it will bring new opportunities to Colombia!
After having read the document I understood the importance that technological development has for a country, because of the opportunities that it brings. For example the incorporation in the global economy, less waste of time when doing paperwork because now you can do it by Internet from home. The plan is well structured or at least it demonstrates its interest of appling it to the whole population.
ReplyDeleteThe advantages are many and according to the document it has been already applied. The next step is looking at statictics to see how the population reacted to this initiative and bearing this in mind checking the objectives of the plan again. This look awesome but I think we should consider what is the real priority for our country, if suppling thousands of children that come to class without having breakfast or to fill a school with computers and if we talk of schools that the majority of them in the rural area do not have the basic infrastructure for their functioning.
Leidy Meneses
This is a very ambitious plan; however I think first they should try to solve the issues of poverty, because there are still many children who for different reasons do not have access to education, it is things that they should solve first.
ReplyDeleteI had the opportunity to work in different public schools in towns and cities, which do not have access to technological advances. For this reason I can say that this plan has not begun yet, this Plan need to expand the information, the government have to invest more money in education, all people need to know this Plan, I think that if there are responsible leaders in each town or city, this project could start quickly and it would achieve it in the year that they said. But it needs that each one of us contribute something that helps to become true this Plan.
Magda Aguilera
Everybody knows that technology has a crucial role in people’s lives these days and our Government has realized how it can change our way of living; therefore it has developed a project called “Plan TIC” which aims to increase the use of ICT’s in Colombia by 2019. According to this project, the government’s proposal is to guarantee that most of the Colombian people have access to new technologies. Honestly, it seemed to be something unreal for me when I started to read it since in Colombia the poverty rate is really high and the project seeks to help these poor people. However, I realized that our country has made progress in this issue carrying out different projects in the educational field, health system and justice in order to give people more facilities.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion, this kind of proposal brings a lot of advantages regarding globalization, even though I consider that we have other relevant problems to focus on.
Yessica Rueda
PLAN TIC---->The incorporation of ICT in educational processes is now a necessity, not just because it requires the context of globalization itself, but because we are talking about a new type of literacy that from these years will be to achieve in the educational purposes of any nation. There is no doubt that “Plan TIC” in Colombia, applying the methodological use of ICT in a context of collaboration, will be significant, so much based on competence and so on social interaction. In my opinion, this project shows a reflection of what society is demanding, as the technologies are constantly changing and new generations are becoming major users of them.---------<LAURA S.=)
ReplyDeleteThere are two aspects, among others, of this text that I found interesting. First, it was amazing to know that since the very beginning of the Plantic a lot of people (13.000) decided to contribute or were concerned to this topic. And second, that the indexes mentioned in the text rank Colombia in positions that make us think about how effective the incoporation of ICT's in the country has been. Checking the new results, you can see that many things have improved. However, you can also see that corruption and other factors continue limiting our desire of being a nation with an excellent use of ICT's. This is ironic because the Government signed this big project but the corruption of the government is one of those limiting factors that should be overcome to have a successful incorporation of this plan.
ReplyDeleteÁngel Mogollón
I have to say different things regarding ICTs. First, technological advancement opens doors to the way people do things today, such as working, studying or even daily life. However, the way this article is presented sounds a little utopic since its proposals are solutions that are too general. That is the case of social equality for all. It is a good idea to let all social classes access to ICTs, but as corruption takes part everyday, it seems almost impossible to achieve this. On the other hand, in the business area, I have personnaly seen how small companies have expanded their markets through the use of ICTs. Perhaps, this is a sign of equality as they can compete with big enterprises.
ReplyDeleteJOhan Ruiz
i honestly belive that this is a very ambicious plan, but it doesn't fit Colombia's situation. on one hand the budget earmarked for education normally does not supply the main necesities of the insitutions; that is the reason why in our country schools present lacks in technology,teachers among others. on the other hand, i don't believe that inthe research were consider the different kind of problems that our country must to face up like the high levels of poverty and lacks of resourses among many others. For me this proposal seems to be very broadly it is necessary to go deep and to avoid times like time restriction because let's stick to reality in 11 years not all colombians will be interested in tecnology or if is that the case, no everyone will be able to afford it.
ReplyDeleteI think ICT implementation is a necessary and mandatory change and the government's proposal is a good initiative that opens the doors to a new age. I think it is time to work on the development of a knowledge society who cares and makes proper use ofthe ICT, this is a project that oermit us to be a more competent, innovative and flexible society. let's see what happen, I hope it wont remain on paper
ReplyDeleteViviana Rueda
MY NAME IS FELIX MAURICIOI think that the development of the ICT is really necessary since it is time to reach a great stamdar in our education. Education is the key if we want our country to progress. So the use of these tecnologies can be really helpful in our economy and standar of living