Download the document sent to your mails and post a comment answering the following working in groups of max. 3 students:
1. How do you agree and/or disagree with Rodríguez Hine's point of view of how media and ICT are changing communication and the Curriculum in the school?. Provide clear, elaborate argumentation.
2. Discuss and tell which have been the media that has had more influence on your English learning process and how.
3. Which media do you think are influencing new generations of English language learners today? Think of your students, mainly. Mention two or three and tell why.
1. How do you agree and/or disagree with Rodríguez Hine's point of view of how media and ICT are changing communication and the Curriculum in the school?. Provide clear, elaborate argumentation.
2. Discuss and tell which have been the media that has had more influence on your English learning process and how.
3. Which media do you think are influencing new generations of English language learners today? Think of your students, mainly. Mention two or three and tell why.